Saturday 23 March 2024

Uilleann Pipes for Decent Sampler

A rather pleasant-sounding set of pipes with a very small footprint...

  • Samples from,
    free for home usage
  • The samples have been tuned
  • The drones are looped
  • The range of the drone has been extended down to B0
  • The range of the chanter has been extended down to B2 and up to C5

Sound sample: Sleeping Tune


Tuesday 28 March 2023

How to use Petaluma for chords in MuseScore 4

MuseScore 4.02 still seems to have to squash some bugs (e.g. disappearing pallets, stylesheets not being read properly...), but with some patience it is already quite usable...

Option 1

  • Download my stylesheet and put it into your "Styles" folder. 
  • In MuseScore go to "Style settings" - "Text Styles".
  • Under "Chord symbol" set the font to "Petaluma Script", confirm by hitting "OK" and close the settings window.
  • Back in the main window go to "Format" - "Load style..." and select "make-chords-superscripted.mss".
  • As mentioned above, MuseScore may not apply the changes immediately; save the file, re-open it and you should be done!

Pros: Looks quite acceptable, no font to be installed.

Cons: More complicated chords may not render properly, and sharp and flat glyphs look rather ugly :-(

Option 2

  • Download my customized PetalumaJazzFont here and install it.
  • Download this stylesheet and put it into your "Styles" folder.
  • In MuseScore go to "Style settings" - "Chord symbols".
  • Activate "Custom", select "chords_jazz-PetalumaScript.xml" and click on "Open".
  • Again, due to a current bug in MS 4.02 you may have to go back to this setting, click on "Standard" and re-apply the stylesheet when you open your file the next time...

Pros: Looks fabulous ;-) and renders as known form the standard jazz setting, but with Petaluma Script.

Con: You have to install my custom font...

PS: If you select my custom font instead of "Petaluma Script" in Option 1, you will get rid of the ugly sharps and flats! 

PSS: If you prefer the lilyJAZZ font look, have a look at my previous offering...


Tuesday 17 January 2023

MuseJazz LilyJAZZ Text Font (work around for MuseScore 4)

In MuseScore 4, overwriting the MuseJazzText font currently does not seem to work.

Here you can find a temporay work around... You mileage may vary...

  • Download the renamed font from here and install it on your computer.
  • Put this file into the "Styles" folder of your MuseScore 4 installation.
  • Open a MuseScore 4 file.
  • In MuseScore 4, go to "Format" - "Style" - "Chord Symbols".
  • Under "Appearance - Style" click on "Custom" and pick the file you have put into the "Styles" folder (named "chords_jazz-LilyJAZZ.xml") and confirm by clicking on "OK".
    Should MuseScore not displey the chord names properly when you re-open your file, you may have to select "Standard", then re-apply "Custom" and select the stylesheet again...

Caveat: MuseScore 4 does not seem to read all glyphs from this font - the D.S. symbol e.g. will be read from the built-in Jazz font... 

Edit - no caveat anymore: Found a solution to display the correct symbols:
Copy this style sheet into the "Styles" folder (cf. above) and apply it to your score - job done!

Edit II: With the latest update the style sheet above is no longer necessary - the correct symbols are now hard-coded... ;-)

Thursday 14 April 2022

MuseJazz KomikaJAZZ Text Font (for MuseScore 3)

The latest kid on the block - a more modern variation of the MuseJazz Text font. This flavour is based on glyphs taken from Komika Text, a free font by Apostrophic Labs.

The installation procedure is the same as with the previous flavours...

Font in action:

Download (updated 15 April 2022 with "dim" fix)

Thursday 27 December 2018

MuseJazz LilyJAZZ Text Font
(for MuseScore 3)

Another variation of the MuseJazz Text font. This flavour is based on glyphs taken from the LilyJAZZ font.

The installation procedure is the same as with the Real Book version...

Font in action:


MuseJazz RealBook (Vol. 2 in Bb) Text Font
(for MuseScore 3)

This is a customised version of the MuseScore MuseJazz font for MuseScore 3. As MuseScore 3 includes a Jazz music font, the original font was renamed, hence this update of the previously pulbished font (see post MuseJazz Customised Font).

As before, this font overwrites the built-in MuseJazz Text font and uses it instead of the default one.
However, if you want to revert back to the built-in font, you can just delete it, and you will get the original font back.

Font in action:
(old screenshot - in the meantime font spacing has been optimised and download updated)


Wednesday 18 April 2018

PREMIER Birch Drum Kit for Reaper

This is a refined version of the Kontakt library published earlier.

The samples used are not processed, and there is only one layer. However, the kit undoubtedly has  a charming character...
It is set up as a track template for Reaper using ReaSamplOmatic 5000, offering seven tracks for mixing and adding additional effects.

To install, unzip the downloaded file and copy it into the TrackTemplates folder in your REAPER resource path folder.
In Reaper, go to Track / Insert track from template..., click on the folder PREMIER Birch and select the template PREMIER Birch.
