Thursday, 27 December 2018

MuseJazz LilyJAZZ Text Font
(for MuseScore 3)

Another variation of the MuseJazz Text font. This flavour is based on glyphs taken from the LilyJAZZ font.

The installation procedure is the same as with the Real Book version...

Font in action:



  1. I'm probably a fool...but how do i download this and use this? Dont i need a tff file to put in the fonts-folder?

  2. Use the "Download" button above...
    Double-click the file you downloaded - your OS will take care of the installation... ;-)

  3. Thank you, John. This LilyJazz variation is EXACTLY what I've been wanting! I'm so glad it was shown to me. For some time I've been using the LilyJazz font but the diplay of the flat sign (in particular) bothered me. You've totally nailed it with this and I'm grateful that you've shared it.

    1. You are very welcome. Glad to see somebody using the font!
      You might be interested in my latest addition ;-)

    2. John, further to my comment above I'm wanting the numeris characters within the MuseJazz music font to also reflect LilyJazz. Do you know how this can be achieved?

    3. Sorry, Gary, but as it says in the post you are referring to above, these characters seem to be hard-coded... I've literally changed all the characters in question, unfortunately to no avail...

    4. Thanks very much for looking into it, John. Much appreciated. :)

  4. Hello,
    It doesn't work for me. The Font neither appears nor does it overwrite the MuseJazz font. Any help?

    1. Hello too
      What does not work for you? (How) Did you install it?

  5. Hey John. I've been digging this variant for a while now. Really loving it. With MuseScore 4.0 now here the MuseJazz text font went back to the default appearance. I've reinstalled your version, and while Windows shows that it's there (and Word can use it), MuseScore 4.0 stubbornly won't use it. Any thoughts about how we can overcome this? Many thanks!

  6. Further update, John. I've edited your font and renamed in using Glyphr Studio. MuseScore 3 has no trouble with the new font, but MuseScore 4 ignores it. I can only assume that I've done something wrong in the font creation (I have no experience with such things before now). Might it be possible for you to save this font with a different name please?
    Thank you. I really appreciate your work.

  7. Hello Gary. Great that you still care for my offering... I'm still using it myself, too!
    Please see my new post for a work around...
    Take care and let me know how you fared!

    1. Thanks so much, John! I'll get onto that ASAP. Really appreciate your support.

    2. Any news? I am still looking for a way to get it all to work, unfortunately to no avail so far... Any ideas?

    3. Thanks very much, John. Life has a habit of getting in the way, and I haven't been able to focus on this yet. I hope to shortly and will let you know how I go. And if I can come up with any ideas. :)
      I really appreciate your support!

    4. Hey John. Has been a couple of years since my comments and request on your MS3 thread. Today I've finally gotten back to this. Your solution works perfectly in MS4. Thank you so much that that! I'm brave enough to consider migrating across to MS4 at last.
