Thursday, 27 December 2018

MuseJazz RealBook (Vol. 2 in Bb) Text Font
(for MuseScore 3)

This is a customised version of the MuseScore MuseJazz font for MuseScore 3. As MuseScore 3 includes a Jazz music font, the original font was renamed, hence this update of the previously pulbished font (see post MuseJazz Customised Font).

As before, this font overwrites the built-in MuseJazz Text font and uses it instead of the default one.
However, if you want to revert back to the built-in font, you can just delete it, and you will get the original font back.

Font in action:
(old screenshot - in the meantime font spacing has been optimised and download updated)



  1. That's amazing, thanks! But i was not able to make it work :/
    The font is installed on my computer ( I can use it in libreOffice writer) but i cant use it in musescore! any suggestion?

  2. What OS are you on? Windows, macOS, Linux? And which version?

  3. Tested it out under Kubuntu 18.04 LTS. Does not seem to work with the AppImage; the AppImage does not seem to read the font directories.
    You may ask in the MuseScore forums, sorry I can't help you.
    PS: Tested and working under MacOS and Win...
