Tuesday, 17 January 2023

MuseJazz LilyJAZZ Text Font (work around for MuseScore 4)

In MuseScore 4, overwriting the MuseJazzText font currently does not seem to work.

Here you can find a temporay work around... You mileage may vary...

  • Download the renamed font from here and install it on your computer.
  • Put this file into the "Styles" folder of your MuseScore 4 installation.
  • Open a MuseScore 4 file.
  • In MuseScore 4, go to "Format" - "Style" - "Chord Symbols".
  • Under "Appearance - Style" click on "Custom" and pick the file you have put into the "Styles" folder (named "chords_jazz-LilyJAZZ.xml") and confirm by clicking on "OK".
    Should MuseScore not displey the chord names properly when you re-open your file, you may have to select "Standard", then re-apply "Custom" and select the stylesheet again...

Caveat: MuseScore 4 does not seem to read all glyphs from this font - the D.S. symbol e.g. will be read from the built-in Jazz font... 

Edit - no caveat anymore: Found a solution to display the correct symbols:
Copy this style sheet into the "Styles" folder (cf. above) and apply it to your score - job done!

Edit II: With the latest update the style sheet above is no longer necessary - the correct symbols are now hard-coded... ;-)

Edit III: With 4.4.3 the style sheet is needed again... :-(


  1. hey the last style sheet you linked gives an access denied error

  2. Sorry, fixed. Should work now...

  3. Hi John, thanks so much for this -- it is absolutely amazing. After following your steps here, the chord font works perfectly, but then I lose the style of the actual stave, and not all the text changes as well, only the chords. I don't know if you have any idea of how to fix this?

  4. Don't quite understand what you mean by "I lose the style of the actual stave" - my steps above are only meant to change the chord style...

    1. my stave (and notation font) is set as the default Musescore jazz style, but when I load your font it changes to the default classical style and then the jazz style won't reload on the score

  5. Works for me following the steps above...

  6. Hey John. Has been a couple of years since my comments and request on your MS3 thread. Today I've finally gotten back to this. Your solution works perfectly in MS4. Thank you so much that that! I'm brave enough to consider migrating across to MS4 at last.
