Tuesday, 17 January 2023

MuseJazz LilyJAZZ Text Font (work around for MuseScore 4)

In MuseScore 4, overwriting the MuseJazzText font currently does not seem to work.

Here you can find a temporay work around... You mileage may vary...

  • Download the renamed font from here and install it on your computer.
  • Put this file into the "Styles" folder of your MuseScore 4 installation.
  • Open a MuseScore 4 file.
  • In MuseScore 4, go to "Format" - "Style" - "Chord Symbols".
  • Under "Appearance - Style" click on "Custom" and pick the file you have put into the "Styles" folder (named "chords_jazz-LilyJAZZ.xml") and confirm by clicking on "OK".
    Should MuseScore not displey the chord names properly when you re-open your file, you may have to select "Standard", then re-apply "Custom" and select the stylesheet again...

Caveat: MuseScore 4 does not seem to read all glyphs from this font - the D.S. symbol e.g. will be read from the built-in Jazz font... 

Edit - no caveat anymore: Found a solution to display the correct symbols:
Copy this style sheet into the "Styles" folder (cf. above) and apply it to your score - job done!

Edit II: With the latest update the style sheet above is no longer necessary - the correct symbols are now hard-coded... ;-)

Edit III: With 4.4.3 the style sheet is needed again... :-(