Wednesday, 18 April 2018

PREMIER Birch Drum Kit for Reaper

This is a refined version of the Kontakt library published earlier.

The samples used are not processed, and there is only one layer. However, the kit undoubtedly has  a charming character...
It is set up as a track template for Reaper using ReaSamplOmatic 5000, offering seven tracks for mixing and adding additional effects.

To install, unzip the downloaded file and copy it into the TrackTemplates folder in your REAPER resource path folder.
In Reaper, go to Track / Insert track from template..., click on the folder PREMIER Birch and select the template PREMIER Birch.


Monday, 2 April 2018

MuseJazz Customised Font

This is a customised version of the MuseScore MuseJazz font, a labour of love ... conceived about two years ago. It has been worked on and tweaked for a long time, now I think is the time it can go public and be shared ...

Most glyphs are based on scans of the REAL BOOK (Vol. 2 in Bb). Glyphs that could not be found  were made of parts of available glyphs. 

If this font is installed, it overwrites the built-in MuseJazz font and uses it instead of the default one.
However, if you want to revert back to the built-in font, you can just delete it, and you will get the original font back.

And this is what it looks like:

Font Sample

The font contains all the glyphs of the original font. All glyphs have been replaced:

In Action

This is a sample page with the original MuseJazz font:

And this is the same page with the customised font in action:
